OnePlus Z release date, price, specs and leaks A budget-friendly OnePlus Z phone is reportedly on the way. Here's what to expect. The OnePlus Z — the next smartphone reportedly in the works from OnePlus — could be a return to form for a phone maker that rose to prominence by building flagship-killing phones that delivered high-end capabilities without equally high price tags. Recent releases, like the OnePlus 8 Pro, certainly deliver on great specs and performance, but it's on the pricey side at $899. Even the $699 OnePlus 8 is more expensive than many other OnePlus models. So how does a company keep adding premium features without totally ignoring the segment of smartphone shoppers first drawn to OnePlus in the first place? If rumors are true, OnePlus will do so by holding the line on price, even if it means the upcoming OnePlus Z will drop a few of the fancier features it introduced in its OnePlus 8 releases. We're expecting to see the lower cost...
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